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When Do You Need a Commercial Electrician?

We’ve discussed some of the differences between residential and commercial electrical services recently. So when do you need commercial electrical services, and how do you know that you’re getting the best commercial electrician for your money?

What Does a Commercial Electrician Do?

Electrician working on electrical panel.

A commercial electrician is a professional trained and licensed to repair, install, and maintain electrical systems in commercial settings. This can mean environments ranging from shopping malls to restaurants to high rises. Many aspects of the job and training are similar to that of residential electricians, but the work is considerably more complex owing to the size and scale of the systems involved. Commercial electricians must demonstrate a thorough understanding of regulatory standards and best practices as well as the latest and greatest in evolving technology, as they may be called on to upgrade an existing system.

The field is physically demanding and intellectually challenging, demanding excellent communication and problem-solving skills. A commercial electrician is likely to be part of a larger team working toward keeping a site operating at maximum capacity, and there’s no telling when their services might be needed. That’s why a good commercial electrical service like Phase Electric has technicians on hand 24/7 in case an emergency arises. And with the broad range of sites a commercial electrician is expected to service, an emergency isn’t unlikely.

What Makes a Commercial Electrical Different from Residential Electrical?

Circuit Breakers panel -

When it comes to residential electrical services, one key word stands out: discreet. Residential electrical systems are often meant to be out of sight, out of mind. No one wants to see a tangle of wiring in their home. Circuit breakers are often in basements or in out-of-the-way sections of the home, where they’re unlikely to be noticed by friends or family.

In contrast, commercial electrical is meant to prioritize convenience. The system itself should be easily accessible, because it’s more important for a business to keep running without a hitch than to hide an electrical panel behind a convenient piece of wall art. No two sites are alike. Commercial electricians must collaborate with contractors and building managers to ensure that the electrical workings of a location can be easily accessed and repaired whenever the need arises.

What Can You Expect From a Commercial Electrician?

Electric Company Los Angeles | Phase Electric

A licensed and certified commercial electrician has gone through extensive training hours as a student and then as a journeyman before gaining his bonafide. The process is even more lengthy than that a residential electrical undergoes, ensuring that commercial electricians are the cream of the crop as far as electrical workers go. And if you’re hiring Phase Electric, you can expect to be hiring the best of the best. We have years of experience providing electric solutions to homes, offices, and commercial buildings alike. Phase Electric was started with a vision to deliver safe and affordable electric solutions to Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding communities. And now, we are one of the most reliable and efficient electric contractors in the greater Los Angeles area and beyond. We bring out energy-efficient and cost-effective wiring solutions, electric panel installations, and many more services with industry-leading techniques and tools.

Whatever your electrical emergency might be, our licensed and certified professionals are guaranteed to be just a few minutes away. We strive to deliver reliable, satisfactory, and affordable solutions to residential and commercial clients in LA and nearby locations. So contact us now for a quote, and trust us with your commercial electrical project today!

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